
Email Marketing Agency: Get More Out Of Your List

Just Results Marketing can help you generate more awareness and sales by sending targeted communications to your email list. Don’t have an email list? Our email marketing specialists can help with that too!

Get A Custom Email Marketing Action Plan

Our Email Campaign Management Services

Grow Your List, Connect With More Customers, Generate More Sales

Grow Your Subscriber List

Our email marketing agency focuses on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI.

Communicate Your Value Proposition

Personalize your campaigns with advanced targeting and deliver the right email to each subscriber when it’s right for them. 


Monitor Performance

Every email is a learning experience. Monitor your campaign performance to find what works best for your business.


Automate Your Conversion Funnel

Configure emails to be sent depending on the interactions that your Subscribers have had with previous campaigns. It’s very useful to increase your conversion rate!

Segment Your Audience

Filter your subscribers based on criteria such as gender, age or nationality and more. Segments can be created from your subscribers lists, traffic sources or those who have clicked on certain links/pages on your previous campaigns.


Integrates Seamlessly With Your Website

Email marketing services are able to integrate directly into WordPress. This means you can literally collect and send emails no matter what time it is or where you’re located. 

Exclusive Features

We don’t just ‘send emails’. We focus on your business’ key performance indicators including: new subscribers, email-open rate, click-through rate and conversions. 

Email list refinement and optimization

It’s one thing to capture email addresses, but how often you clean these lists, segment them and optimize the messaging to reduce inefficient spending. 

Website call-to-actions and email captures

As part of the onboarding process we undertake a sitewide audit to identify opportunities to improve your email marketing list building efforts. Our email marketing specialists will inform you of where to advise your developers where we’d suggest including an email lead form to improve your conversion rate.

Email marketing strategy

Whether you require an indoctrination series (a fancy term for a sequence of welcome emails), or a drip sequence (a series of emails designed to move the reader further along the sales funnel), we’ll generate compelling copy for you.

Lead magnets that actually work

We do our research to understand what compels them to hand over their email address. Whether it’s a free quiz or an entry into a giveaway, we’ll find the right fit that maximizes your ROI.

Email Marketing Campaigns


Increase In Open Rate


Increased Conversions

Sample Email Marketing Strategy

Want to take a look at our link building process? Have a look and see if a similar strategy is right for you.

Answers To Your Email Marketing Questions

Why use email marketing?

Email marketing is not new, but it is far from dead. Below are a few reasons why you should consider using our agency’s email marketing services:

  • 9 billion people use email applications
  • 91% of consumers check their email on a daily basis
  • 86% of consumers would like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with
  • 1/3 of consumers have purchased products and services from emails
  • For every $1 spent in email marketing, the average return on investment is $44.

The truth is that your customers check their emails every day. They want to receive emails from brands they do business with. But, they only want it if you are emailing valuable content. Our email marketing agency will help you create emails your audience will love.

What types of email marketing are there?

  1. The Welcome Email Series
  2. The Standard Promotional Campaign
  3. The Seasonal Campaign
  4. The Triggered Email Series
  5. The Post-Purchase Drip
  6. The Connect-Via-Social Campaign
  7. The Newsletter
  8. The Cart Abandonment Campaign
  9. The Re-Engagement Campaign

How many emails do you send each month?

We recommend sending weekly email blasts. However, the volume of email blast is different for every business. The purpose of email blasts is to increase awareness, engagement, and website clicks. Therefore, the more email blasts you send, the more opportunities you have to do this. Some small businesses send daily emails, while others send weekly or monthly emails.


What methods do you use to collect email addresses?

Some methods include:
1. Craft a more compelling offer
2. Make it as easy as possible to enter an email address
3. Encourage people to forward your newsletter
4. Minimize the clicks it takes to subscribe
5. Consider using QR codes
6. Engage new subscribers immediately with your thank-you page
7. Give the user more control over the content
8. Invite subscribers through your social networks
9. Craft your subject lines like Tweets
10. Maximize the email preview

Email marketing pricing: how much does this service cost?

If you’re looking for an email marketing specialist, Just Results Marketing can provide this service for as low as $500/month. However, we generally recommend adding email marketing to your overall marketing mix by purchasing a Done For You service like conversion funnel optimization.

Our Latest Projects

Tail Waggers

Over 500 backlinks built

Denim On The Diamond

Over 180 backlinks built


Although there is plenty of link building services out there, I haven’t seen any that take such a data-driven approach to it. Every link we build for your website, is designed to reach your goals that much sooner.

Pat Henderson

Link Builder, Just Results Marketing

Our Blog

Browse resources and blogs related to this service here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Why Choose WordPress?

In this post we discuss, Why Choose WordPress? We’ve rounded up a few resources that will expedite your learning process.

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1331 Ellis Street, Kelowna, BC, Canada

+1 250 979 8483


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