
How Google Ads Work

Posted On November 12, 2019

In this post we discuss, How Google Ads Work. We’ve rounded up a few resources that will expedite your learning process.

How Google Ads Work

John Crestani

[Video Transcript]

Are you ready to see how Google ads work? Whoo! The crowd goes wild. Well, I actually
find Google ads really exciting. And I’ve been managing Google ad since 2009. In
this video, I’m going to walk you through the 3 types of Google Ad, search,
display and video. And I’ll be showing you on my computer exactly how they work
within Google ads. And at the end of this video, I’ll actually be showing you how
you can get a free course. A free 8 hour course on Google advertising if you want
to go more in depth into it. Let’s get it.
So first off, let’s start with the 3 different types of ads you can place on
Google. You have search ads which show up on Google search. You have display ads.
Which show up on other sites on the Internet. And then you have video ads
which show up on YouTube. I’m going to go over each of these different ads on my
computer right here and I’ll even be showing you examples of some ads that
I’ve placed that have worked really well for me over the years. Here we
are, google.com. And this is the you know, we’re just gonna search for “I’m
fat. How do I lose weight?” And here we go. We see first thing here is an ad, right?
So, this is the first type of Google ad, Google search ad. And generally speaking,
you target these through keywords. And I’ll be going into Adwords and showing
you how you actually set these up in a second. Okay, second type of ad is display
ads. And display ads show up on other websites. Here’s a site for the
11 best diapers to buy and 2019. You know, on new sites or blogs or whatever. And
you’ll see this right here is an ad. And you see it says advertisement right here.
And you can click this little thing and it will talk to you
about those ads right here. You can also see ads that show up on the right-hand
side here. So, you have an ad. You have another ad. You have another ad. You have
ads all over the place. You know, they’re everywhere. That’s how lots of
sites make money as they show ads. In this sites case, they are also making
money through affiliate marketing. So all of these links here. You see link, link,
link, link, link. And you see buy on Amazon. This person is a member of Amazon’s
affiliate program. That’s what I do for a living. I do affiliate marketing. If you
want to learn more about that, I’m going to have my Filipino or Filipina assistant
put up a link to my free course on affiliate marketing. Somewhere up here or
you can subscribe to my channel and see more information about that. And then the
third type of ad is on YouTube. So, I just searched for lose weight fast. And you
see, you would get an ad right here which says my son lost a hundred pounds and
six months and an amazing and inspiring transformation. Proud and driven mom. She
takes a chance on a book found on Amazon, right? And this is a… This is a video ad.
And you can place this through YouTube ads which is YouTube is a part of Google
if you weren’t aware. So, let’s go over to Google and here we are in Google. Google
ads. If you haven’t signed up for it, you just search Google ads. I’m assuming
you’re familiar with Google ads. It used to be called Adwords. But since I think
they do video and all this other stuff now they changed it. And how we would set
up a campaign is the first step is we would go over to this campaign section
right here. And we would select that then we would select this plus button right
here. And we simply say select new campaign. Now, they give you a lot of
selections and Google Ads, the interface changes like literally on a weekly basis.
It’s kind of overwhelming and it’s kind of nutty. You know, I’ve been doing
advertising on Google since 2009. So, I’ve seen a lot of changes. And it’s
frustrating that it keeps changing. But it’s something you kind of got to roll
with. Now, these selections may change or their names may change. But what I
actually like the most is this just create a campaign without goals guidance.
Because these selections kind of limit the features that you’re able to use and
sometimes it makes your ads unprofitable. So, don’t do that. Now, it will give you
some more selections and this is where you really define what sort of ads you
set up. Now, what I’m going to do for the case of for the purposes of this video
is I’m just going to set up a search ad. Now, if you’d like to see me set up other
types of ads such as display, shopping, video or app based ads, let me know in
the comments. And I can do, if somebody’s comment about one of these, gets a ton of
likes, I will do a video on that. But for now, I’m just going to focus on one
otherwise we’d be here for like hours. Because there’s… You know, it’s a
really in-depth program. So, here we say what results do we want from the
campaign. And if you are a local business, phone calls is actually a great option.
Or if you don’t have a website, highly suggest you do phone calls. You can
advertise on Google without a website. And I don’t think people understand that.
You know, I have a lot of friends who just have local businesses and they just
want phone calls. So, you can do that very easily. And all you have to do is enter
your phone number. Don’t even need a website. But for our purposes and for
most people advertising on the internet, they want website visits, okay? So, we’re
going to select that and I’m just going to type in my website which is I am jetset
.com, okay? Then click continue. I’m just going to title this search demo. It
doesn’t really matter what you name your campaign. One thing that Google does
that’s a little bit sneaky is I said, “I wanted to set up a search ad. It also
gives me options to… It’s already pre checked for the search Network and the
Display Network. Now, you could thumb over these icons and
figure out what the Display Network is. But check this out.
2 million websites videos and apps. The Display Network is a whole other can of
worms and requires a whole different type of targeting, a whole different type
of ad, a whole different type of landing page or funnel experience typically. If
you’re doing a search ad in like 99.9999% of cases, you’re
just going to throw away money if you have display network added. I’ve never
actually seen it work where display network is active on an app. The other
thing I would throw off in most cases is the search Network. Sometimes, I tested
out for beginner advertisers. You don’t want to advertise on the search Network.
Because what the search network is, is it includes other sites that are not
google.com. Where it’s going to advertise on. Such as you know… Aol.com as an example
but there are many other sites. And Google doesn’t tell you what those sites
are. But just a lot of other sites use Google’s ads. It’s a good way to waste a
lot of money. So, you want to uncheck those if you care about not losing money
on your advertising. If you’re a big corporate company, might not you
have budgets, so it might not matter that much. Okay, we don’t need to worry about
dynamic search ads. In our case, we’re just going tO leave United States, checked.
Locations. Can enter in more locations. We have English and we have our budget. Now,
generally speaking, you know, you can… You know you can just say, “Oh, I want to spend
$100 a day. You know, I wouldn’t recommend spending anything
less than $20 a day for going on Google because you won’t get much
traffic. You know there’s millions of people advertising on Google and it’s
hard to get Google’s kind of algorithm. You know, the way the Google machine
thinks to serve ads. You know, they’re they’re looking over all of their
millions of people who are advertising. And if your budget is set at $20
it’s just… It doesn’t work as well if it’s below $20. So,
we’ll just set $20. Now, what we can focus on, focus on for bidding,
what I actually recommend, they have an option to optimize based on conversions.
What I actually recommend when you’re starting is clicks, okay? Once again,
Google can overspend if you’re doing conversions. This can be a good way to
waste a lot of money if you’re doing that. So, I would start here and
move on to conversions if you’re more advanced and if you can test against
your campaign. Now, I don’t necessarily
recommend doing a CPC bid. When you start or I don’t recommend. And these are all
additional things. So, don’t worry about all this stuff. Then we just click Save
and continue. Okay now, you see up into the top, it
has the different flow of what we’ll do. So we’ll set up our
campaign settings which is our budget. Then we’re going to set up our ad group,
then we’re going to create our ads and then it just kind of says, “Thank you.” So, here
we have our ad group and I’m just going to say, you know, “YouTube demo.” And you paste
in the keywords that you want to target. Now, in my case, I’m teaching people how
to do affiliate marketing. That website, Iam jetset teach people how to
do affiliate marketing. So, I was targeting that. I would want to target
keywords such as how to do affiliate marketing. I would do that. Okay? Or you
could enter in ideas. And you could say, you know, get keywords ideas. Says, how to
make extra money and I could just do plus. You know, how to make extra money
from home? You know, how to make extra money online? So, those could be my
keywords and then I would say, “Okay, cool. that sounds good.” Generally speaking, an
ad group should have somewhere between 5 to 15 keywords, okay? That’s a
good mix of keywords. Now, my actual… Now, that’s a general rule of thumb. My style
is, I would actually use the keyword planner which is a little beyond this.
But let’s say I find… I’d do it this way. So, I would do 3 different types of
matches. This is what I call the simplest ad group possible. I type in affiliate
marketing. Sorry, I would do modified broad match.
Which is using Plus. This is a bit of an advanced tactic. Don’t worry about this
if you don’t understand it. I would do phrase match. Affiliate marketing. And I
would do exact match. And that would be my keyword group and I’d optimize from
there. I’m not going explain my optimization process. I’m
going to give you a free course at the end which will explain in a much longer way
how to do all of this advanced stuff. But then I click Save and continue. Okay? And
then you create your ads and you type in whatever, you know, whatever it is. You
know, your website URL. I’d say, you know, want to earn money at home? Like working
in your pajamas? Go to my site. Site yo. You know that would be my ad. And it
gives you a preview of how it shows up. So, that’s how to do Google Ads. Then we
just submit the ad and all that jazz. Not going to go in-depth into that anymore. But
hopefully that gives you an explanation of how to do Google advertising on the
basics. So, if you want to learn more about how to do Google advertising, I
suggest you subscribe to my channel and you will get both a free course on
affiliate marketing which is what I do for a living. But you’ll also get this
this playlist right here. Right under free training marketing trainings and
mini courses. You can go over here. Right over here which says free AdWords PPC
training. Okay? And this is a pretty long playlist of videos that shows you how to
do… It’s an introduction to Adwords. It’s the account structure which is all
the same. I show you targeting. 3 different targeting videos. I’m going to
show you how to write ads that sell. I’m going to show you remarketing, optimization,
landing pages. What landing pages work best? A little bit about affiliate
marketing. And you’ll also get how to do YouTube… Advertising on YouTube. So,
hopefully that helps. This information, I shot a couple years ago, but it’s still
relevant and we’re still using it in my business to this day. So, hope that helps.
Make sure you like this video if you got some value from it. Comment below if you
have any questions or requests for future
video. Looking forward to seeing you sometime in my next video.

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